My son was on a top 20 team last year (north east based) and got limited minutes. He took a lot of pride in being part of the team, wearing the swag, etc. He wasn't offered the opportunity to stay and was devastated for a few days, but fortunately joined a lower level team he loves. He quickly became a starter, plays on man up team, and has had a great experience. Knowing that he is a valuable contributor on the team has been great for his self esteem instead of the stress of struggling to hang on each week while he waits for his late growth spurt). He’s still developing and getting better albeit not competing at the highest level (now playing teams ranked 50-110 mostly). He looks back now and not making the team last year was a blessing for him. What the prior poster said rings so true from my sons experience. Think long a hard about what is best for your kid. You have to be real about where your kid is and guide them on what is best. They only get these years once and they go fast. Don’t waste them!