Originally Posted by Anonymous
Rumor is Surge going to cut their roster down from 33 kids and try to convince some venom players to move down and use that to entice new players to come over.

Express will cut their roster to 23 kids and bring in 3-5 new kids. They did this last year with their 2027 WS team.

You as a parent should have an idea where your kids stands in the pecking order/favoritism etc ..... It's more important your kid is playing and developing then it is to just rock a T-Shirt or share IG post of winning myloopipoptournaments.

I think the saying goes "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me"

Stop falling for all the sales pitches and empty promises ....

LOL ok. This guy is just looking out for all of us. We are so lucky.