The commenters on here need to get a life. Attacking someone personally is joke. It's pretty simple, if you think someone or a club is greedy, don't play there. As for the coaching I think the #5 ranking speaks for itself (if you put stock in rankings) and is something the team should be proud of. They have a roster of 19-20 girls so you can't claim the club is greedy. Look at other clubs and you will see 24-27 girls...On the topic of PAL dad coaches it's a joke. All clubs have parent coaches and/or women that played in college and may now be a parent coach. Last time I checked, there is no such thing as a professional coach. Wasn't Joe Spallina a dad coach prior to coaching college?! Isn't he still one coaching YJ? Bottom line, I'll take a dedicated coach with knowledge (college girl, dad, mom, whoever) any day of the week. 99% of the posters are disgruntled parents who can't handle the fact that their kid isn't very good. Stop living through your kid.