Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
91 dominates, Maryland are all double hold backs and you parents really need to get a life.

91 dominates what exactly? Winning by one goal in the last few seconds of a game is hardly dominating. They also got smoked weeks before at consecutive tournaments . So relax guy . Enjoy your wsyl moment that nobody will remember in a few weeks lol. And watch your players leave because they're not developing. Word on the street is some machine players are leaving regardless of winning wsyl. And rage is all leaving .

Where are they going? Who is better? Smh

For your information I know of at least 3 kids leaving machine . One of which is one of their best players . Also, in the rumor mill is that machine isn't going to the NLF...one of the biggest tournaments of the season because they don't want to lose and have everyone wipe away their good memories from the world series . Amazing....a bunch of parents/coaches that talk tuff but behind the scenes are running scared of losing a tournament. Unbelievable but not surprised