Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Not to bash them but ,,,Don’t the Rebels play in lower end tournaments?
Are they attempting to move up? Why such a big turnout? Or is somebody trying to get some free advertising on this forum?

Rebels been trolling for weeks on this Forum with propaganda on there tryouts and what the teams going to be on every age group topic. So yes trying for some free add space .

Don’t believe the Hype!!

Tryouts are over. There's probably going to be less hype now.

Nothing said was a lie or hype. Rebels are a big talk among everyone right now (at least in my area) they have good coaches, practice and play a lot. Yes there were 75+ kids at each day of tryouts for the 2027s. What that means, I don’t know- but there were.

Maybe people are simply happy and understand what they are doing in their first 3 years is unheard of. Looks like they will have 20 teams this year. My only hope as a paying customer is they don’t grow too fast, but I am not really worried. Good people at the top.

You think having 20 teams is a good thing??