Originally Posted by Anonymous
I'll say it again. the WSYL is a defunct entity that closed its doors because of lawsuits held against their liabilities. This new event that you all seem to think is legitimate is also a sham. The only thing holding this event together is the fact that money is to be made off of people willing to spend recklessly. Inflation is at 8.5% which means that the mark up for this great sporting extravaganza is in the neighborhood of 40%+. Think about that as you hemorrhage money to travel to play the same competition you would most likely see in your region. Lacrosse will always be a hobby. Cricket gets more airtime on ESPN and every major college is looking to drop it. Truth. Lacrosse is a net negative except for folks like yourselves on this thread that think that it matters. Game on I say. Keep the gravy train flowing and the dreams high. They go nowhere fast.

Wow, aren’t you a ray of sunshine! Do you want to weigh in on the existence of the Easter Bunny?