Originally Posted by Anonymous
There are only a handful of teams that can compete day in and day out against each other. I'm not saying they are all equal but I think you will get pretty good games every time they play. The first two are still a little ahead of the pack. Years past I would have had Igloo with 90+1 and Express but haven't heard good things out of there camp. Any other team at this age group I think these six teams beat pretty steadily and convincingly. Im talking just Long Island before everyone starts to go nuts.
90+1, Express, Igloo, TrueBlue, Empire, S2S

I think Express A will take top honors this year, but not at the WSYL, overall they will do the best in tournaments IMHO. However in the WSYL there best players can not play. 90+1 will drop to 2, I believe that Igloo Empire and TrueBlue will be fighting for that third spot. I think S2S will be an absolute disaster this year. Good luck in the Fall to all and will see everyone next year or maybe at a fall tourney.