Originally Posted by Anonymous
Then you are a worse parent than originally thought and lacrosse is the least of your worries. Those should get off this board and get him the help he needs.

I bet some may be upset and would take issue if the #10 ranked student wanted to be held back a year take all the same course again just so they would get into Stanford. I bet the #1, 2, 3 student may have an issue with it.

I am quite sure the science fairs of the world take issue at a child who may be misrepresenting themselves.

Originally Posted by Anonymous
How about the kid who just has not quite matured educationally/ emotionally & that kids also plays lacrosse. The kid is not holding his own in school. Then what let your kid drown in school so no one calls him a cheater in LAX. There are many parents who chose to hold kids back due to educational issue that play no sports at all, no one cares about them because who are they competing with?

Originally Posted by Anonymous
It is cheating if you hold your kid back 8th grade.

If you hold your kid out of kindergarten because he / she is not mature enough, I have no issue. If you hold your kid back in first grade because he/she is not ready to move on academically, I have no issue.

If you hold him/her back in 8th grade, and you are doing so to give him/her an edge athletically, you ARE cheating.But good luck to you nonetheless.

How do I hold my son back in 8th grade? Seems like a no brainer. What is best way to do this?