Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by CageSage
Originally Posted by Anonymous
You are out of your mind if you think public school on LI are superior to Chaminade.....The overall "product" produced at Chaminade (athletics, academics, discipline, character, etc.) is just not found elsewhere. If you want to save your money that is fine but don't start with the nonsense hating.
Before BOTC responds to these points, let us up front say that we are only responding to provide counterpoint to why many of these arguments are pointless. Consider these points.
  • Academics - Should we measure academic achievement through Advanced Placement exam results, number of participants, or SAT/ACT performance? Should we examine the results from Intel and Siemens competitions? How about attendance at National Youth Leadership Forums in Washington DC and elsewhere? Our point here is that any of these metrics can be made to say exactly what I want when I need the details.
  • Diversity - Many universities are stressing diversity in their class selection including regions, race, culture, and many other elements. Is a self-selected, all-boys environment the best one in which to prepare for the diversity associated with a university environment?
  • Discipline - If you want to stress that element, would a military education be superior? Does the fact that everyone wears a uniform define discipline?
  • Character - How does one "measure" character? How do you know one is superior to another? Isn't character more developed at home rather than at school?
Our point is that the best at one High School surely out-performs the worst at another making all of the generalizations pointless. After all, one cannot point to statistics that espouse individual drive in college as being the critical success factor and then argue that somehow that factor does not exist at the scholastic level.

On some level I agree on the academics piece, but not your comments about diversity, discipline and character. As to diversity, many would argue single-sex education is the best way to prepare young men and women because it allows them to be themselves and put aside all the adolescent games that can interfere with learning in the classroom. Nor is discipline at Chaminade the result of a uniform. It is taught by enforcing a code of conduct in the school, holding kids accountable for their actions and giving them a volume of work that demands discipline. When you have all that you grow up. I don't analogize it to the military, as you did, but West Point is consistently ranked among the top educational institutions in the country. They also, I think, have a pretty good record of churning out leaders year in and year out. Lastly, I agree character is more developed at home (hopefully) but there is no denying that the lessons reinforced at a place like Chaminade are key in terms of shaping the young men that go there. That is why I said the overall "product", in my opinion, is second to none on LI. Others can disageee, and that is fine, but what I realy was responding to was the "save your money" nonnsense. It may not be for you and your kid, but if you don't recognize what is happening at places like Chaminade you haven't been paying attention.

Recognize what is happening at Chaminade?? If they are so great, where are their Intel and Siemans finalists? You would think such a fine, disiplined program woould represent at the most presigious scinece competitions. I still stick to the fact that many LI public school districts are out performing Chaminade in many areas. As for character and disipline, as stated, it begins at home. Just because a kid goes Chaminade does not inatanly give them character. Private may be a good choice if you come from a medocre district, but otherwise a waste of money.

I come from a very good district and still choose to sent mine to a Catholic and I don't find it a waste of my money. You really should not tell people how to spend their money much like i would never tell you how to spend yours. i think your example is a bad one anyway. Only a hand full of kids get Intel or Siemens and that is not indicative of the district as a whole but rather of those individual students. You should look at the % going to 2 and 4 year colleges and the quality of the schools they are going too. Once you do that i think you will find the publics are not out performing St A's or Chaminade.

Do you not realize that the public schools allow ALL the kids in that town to go to said school. Hence, no district as a whole could measure up to the hand selected student body at a Chaminade. Correct me if I'm wrong, but they don't take students that struggle for whatever reason. Nor do they take kids with behavioral or substance abuse issues. They take the top scorers on the test. Yet somehow many districts have incredible graduation rates as well as high percentages of students going to 4 year schools, that rival the privates. Point is the average kid who goes to Cham most likely would do just as well academically if they stayed public. Much less to do with the school, much more to do with student selection process.