Originally Posted by Anonymous
Mr M,

Its good to see you're not hiding behind your previous anonymous comments....
"The kid is tall and he put his shoulder right and the Hawks players chest and buried him; flag came in late once the kid did not get up and the Hawks coach lost his mind IMO. I hope the Hawks kid is alright as well but to call that a cheap shot is hilarious and probably coming from the hawks parent."

Since your son has a heart of gold - did he, you or the FCA coaches check up on the Hawks player on Sunday? If memory serves me correct - I think I saw both teams tailgates where right next to each other. Certainty then a member from FCA, or your family would have checked in with the Hawks who were merely steps away from you - to check on the well being of another 11 year old, and help remedy your sons anguish

You want to overlook the hit - I'll buy that as we all see high hits (typically not as a late as the hit in question). But, don't turn a blind eye to your sons behavior outside of that game. My son doesn't play for the Hawks (I couldn't stomach that), but he did play against your son last spring in HOCO - and, along side him this summer on team All In. Whether you want to admit it or not, your son does have a well earned reputation for playing dirty, and running his mouth. Perhaps this incident will go a long way for them moving forward.

So glad you were just recently "made aware of the site"

Definitely a 91 parent here; we know what these guys are all about.