Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
This actually not true. There are at least 10 Hawks 2026 players that already have D1 offers.

I heard one of them has offers from five different top D1 programs.

A few of them actually do. Offers are from Get, Your, F*%#ing, Rumors, Straight. And when you do, you’ll realize these boys were all born in 2007/2008 and work their tails off to succeed. There’s no secrets, no middle school hold backs- just good old fashioned talent, size, grit and coaching.

I hope you understand those offers are completely worthless and can be rescinded at any moment for any reason because they are not binding in any way at this age. Yeah it’s a feel good moment when little Johnny gets that D1 offer when he’s 11 years old...until all the boys hit high school, and size and strength start to even out, and it becomes painfully obvious that little Johnny may have peaked too early, and the next thing you know he’s playing D3 at a community college if he’s lucky, but just knows his team would have won states if coach had put him in because he can throw a football over them mountains.

Get real talking about D1 offers to 11 year olds. It’s a win-win for the school. If they’re lucky the kid pans out and was so hyped about his offer at 11 years old that he honors his commitment and attends the university. More likely the kid won’t pan out, and the school will then rescind that offer with the quickness.

What a joke. D1 offers. I can’t laugh at you hard enough.

Talk about a miserable Monday. My son's offer from UNC was rescinded this morning. At least he still has Cornell, OSU, UND and Georgetown as options.

When is his official visit to UND? Hopefully during an Irish home game.