Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
[quote=Anonymous]And that same 16 year old ( as the parent on the sidelines says) was laughing by the burger stand after FCA got their [lacrosse] kicked and told his teammates "I'm gna snake one of those gatorades from the cooler" ....after watching he didn't but the fact that he was even thinking about it while laughing after his team got his [lacrosse] kicked and was an embarrassment to his team and the values his team is supposed to be built upon shows the character of that kid. He has much more to be ashamed about. He will keep laughing all the way to NC and one could only hope the coach sees beyond the athletic skills (which were not on showcase this weekend for sure) and see the cheap shot artist holdback that he really is. Put that on your highlight reel #44. Your a punk !

You are correct, he is what you called him but his father is a real head case. I am surprised UNC even approached this player with a verbal, his parents are at every game, (Crabs and FCA) and the way they act had to be clear to UNC personnel. He is not that good of a player to overlook the way the parents act to want him for their program. He takes after his father, who is a real meat head. As for FCA Md. head coach doing anything, that will never happen. This coach is also the head coach of Calvert Hall HS and to everyone's surprise, won coach of the year, based on Calvert Hall winning the MIAA championship. This had to be because of the asst. coaches as Bryon Kelly is not that good of a coach, either FCA or CH and doesn't have a high lax IQ. He doesn't discipline his players when they act out like #44, he is a BS artist and sells it to players and parents. The FCA is nothing but a front, that team is so far from Christian it doesn't come close. Kelly will try to get you to believe it is faith driven but it's not even close. Letting a player like #44 act like that (and it is not the first time for #44) and not take control is a clear vision of what he stands for. Right Curtis!!

All the turds are wound up.........

Is that you Cutis aka Jamie?

Get the number, just get the number, total dbag

This sounds like Curtis aka Jamie. What number are you talking about #44??? No room for you to call anyone a dbag, just look in the mirror. [lacrosse]

He yells that to his kid, as in retaliate next chance if someone beats him on a play, clean or not. It's great.