As the old saying goes, the loudest voice is often not the correct one.

You have been the loudest detractor the whole time. We have been consistent.
99.9 % of the sayville and LI lax community are great supporters of Coach D. The entire LI lax community is baffled by the BOE in sayville. While no longer involved as a parent, I am and will always be a supporter of Coach D. When you see a coach for over 15 years giving the time he did for hundreds of kids, always on the fields for all the kids from 5 year olds to former now college players, dropping apparel off at homes the day before xmas so kids are happy the next day, he made time for everyone and was the most approachable guy for any reason, your extremely upset with a district. You can hide behind "they had many reasons" I have people on the inside, I know what went on. The BOE should have been bigger about it and worked it out. The lowest levels in our company work out differences and problems. The district is now an embarrassment