Originally Posted by Anonymous
Here's the facts:
-This is our first year on fl$
-I have no axe to grind with fl$ or the staff (i'm not an LI Express spy)
-Never had to pay additional tournament fees (other than travel and hotels of course) on previous teams.
-No mention of additional fees at sign up (Find it on website if you can)
In fact at website under "fl$ Experience" includes at least 4 tournaments along with all the free swag No mention of additional fees Go ahead and look http://www.leaguelineup.com/newsitem.asp?url=4theloveofthegame&itemid=2873337.

So to keep it simple
!. fl$ costs more than any other team +
2. Tournament fees not included and not made known ahead of time=
3. fl$ is a rip off (at least compared to every other team on LI)

Is that more credible?

Sorry you did not see it coming. I really just don't know how it's possible you missed it.

Any other fl$ families unaware of this before signing on? Past or present.