Long over due, especially at the younger ages, every local tournament that we play in has at least one time which has anywhere from 2-5 kids that are a year or two older and there's nothing you can do about it. A bunch of parents (most of who have kids who play or played soccer)were just having this conversation recently when we fell short in a tournament to a team which we later found out had 4-5 kids that were two years older than our players. The LI Lax community knows the coaches and players in various towns pretty well and can usually see when a team is loaded for a tournament. When caught the response is always the same - "we were short players so my older child and a few friends came down to play". Guess what happens? We lose by a couple of goals and most, if not all the scoring is done by the older players. Soccer has had very strict rules with ID cards for a long time, it's time that Lax catches up!