Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Totally agree!! Holding kids back for sports is cheating and people that do it in middle or high school should be embarrassed. Every time
I see an obvious reclassed kid, I think of the movie Billy Madison. After HS, once they’ve all gone through puberty, fine. I understand that.

You’re mad because your son is subpar, can’t keep up. Try a different sport.
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Totally agree!! Holding kids back for sports is cheating and people that do it in middle or high school should be embarrassed. Every time
I see an obvious reclassed kid, I think of the movie Billy Madison. After HS, once they’ve all gone through puberty, fine. I understand that.

You’re mad because your son is subpar, can’t keep up. Try a different sport.

Nice spin George Santos, but you are confused again. Your son couldn’t keep up with this guys on age son, so you and your son “quit” his futile attempt at playing with kids his own age. Now that’s a true lost!

If the kids are such losers and not a threat to your top skill kid, why the outrage?

You try to cheat me, steal from me, swindle me, con me… I got a big problem with that. You try to cheat my kid, steal from my kid, swindle my kid or con my kid… then you are the lowest form of life, and destined to the unending wrath/detest of all parent of true character.
You should focus your anger on the club directors then. Dont think anyone is doing anything illegal or to hurt you child. Its a dog eat dog world and I'm gonna do whats best for my kid. Fine with reclassing as most times it is in to leagues full of reclasses. Not ok with playing down for any reason. If your kid is any good play up. If you need to move him down to compete you should move on. That said, it seems to me the vast majority of reclasses are in HS and end up in leagues with reclasses playting a sport that has kids from 9-12th and in some cases 8th playing in the same game. Not illegal and if your kid is being stolen from because of reclasses he isnt that good and daddy should stop being so angry.

For the record, my kid is an undersized on-age public school boy who has committed to a Tier 1 school which happens to have a premier D1 lacrosse program to include a package where his schooling won’t cost a dime. That’s right. A top 10 academic institution and a top 10 lacrosse school. Free! So apparently he’s pretty good. See, he did it the right way and learned the valuable life lessons in the process. Set goals. Work hard. Repeat. No short cuts. No cheating. No quick fix. No quitting when the going gets tough. Grind it out and earn it. So he has overcome a lot to get where he is, to include a cast of cheaters such as yourself. In fact, people like you and your holdback sons actually make him stronger. Curious. How’s my sons story compare to your little holdbacks story? Sure is a different path, huh? Earn it vs having daddy buy it. Wonder which kid will turn out better in the long run. Hmmm. Lol.

Congrats to your son but my money is still on the kid born on third base. That might end up being your grandson but getting into the top school is just the first step.