Originally Posted by Anonymous
All making boatloads of $$$. Do the math of low end $3000 per kid and high end $4500 per kid. I will let you figure out which teams are on both ends. I have 3 boys and all have played for 1 or 2 clubs throughout their time. Scholarships in lacrosse are available but the full ride dream are few and very far between. Below is the total number of scholarships available to a fully funder NCAA athletic team. Many D 1 lacrosse schools are not fully funded which means they have less:

Lacrosse- 12.6 Scholarships (for entire team)
Baseball - 11.7 (entire team)
Basketball- 13
Football- 85

Lacrosse and other non revenue generating sports try to combine academic scholarship money with a percentage of athletic money. If it is a scholarship and you dont have to pay it back who cares what they call it. Top tier academic schools do not give academic money out unless you are an extraordinary student and above their average accepted student. Ivy league schools do not give athletic scholarships but each family should weigh the return on investment they will get for that degree. However, Lacrosse can open the door and help your son or daughter get accepted to a school that they might not get into as a general applicant. The top 25 in mens and womens lacrosse is littered with the best colleges and universities in the world. So either lacrosse players are the smartest athletes out there or they are allowing these players to get into these schools partially due to their athletic ability.

Thanks for info. This is eye opening. Lax is definitely not football or hoops. Those are the $$$$ makers for the schools.