Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The Circuit actually thinks the 3 exception rule is light years better than what it has been. The original discussion started with class and then worked its way back to a combination of age and class. A couple of clubs argued hard for class only but the June 1 date and 3 exceptions was accepted as a compromise. Current participating teams will largely look the same and teams like Red Hots and Nationals will scramble to attract their 3 exceptions since a good chunk of their roster participate for multiple teams.

I dare anyone to show me where this exception rule is or even any kind of age cutoff. I’ve seen nothing to substantiate any of this.

I don't know what to tell you. We received an email from the team director stating the rules and there is a register process from Authenticate asking for proof of class and a birth certificate. I guess that's good news in that I might be the only Circuit parent reading this board.

You aren't. The register process is legit. Its run by Nike...they aren't going to have a hand in the cheating.