Originally Posted by Anonymous
In the absence of Bored MD Dad, I'll take a stab . . .

GROUP 1 - would be clear favorites against teams outside of group 1

GROUP 2 - could beat group 1 teams on a given day, but need to do it consistently to move to group 1
Texas Nationals
True National Black
Express North

GROUP 3 - could compete with any teams above them, but would likely be underdogs
Next Level
LI Express Chucks
Mad Dog West
Colorado Kings

Others: NXT, FCA, Legacy, Freedom, West Coast Starz

- Recency bias acknowledged - summer performance valued over spring, which is valued over fall
- Teams within each group are interchangeable and fairly even
- This is a snapshot in time - things could change dramatically based on the results of PrimeTime in 1.5 weeks

This looks solid except that Texas Nationals should replace Madlax in Group 1. What has Madlax won recently? They're Group 2 at best. Plus, Texas Nationals beat Venom twice in NY to win NLF earlier this summer. Anyone who was watching the last Texas Nationals v. Hawks game at Naptown is still wondering why Texas Nationals pulled their goalie after the first half! Kid completely shut the Hawks out in the first half with about 10 saves. How the coach pulls a hot hand like that in an elimination game is beyond me!

Also, Next Level deserves to be Group 2 with the hoco win. Otherwise, this looks right to me.