The cost to send film/highlights to coaches has to be at an all time low. The question is how many diamonds in the rough are out there for colleges to find? Geographically the sport is expanding but still very tightly focused compared to other sports. Minimum stick skills takes time to develop, 3 years? 6 months intensive? Not sure. Field awarenesses + combination plays etc. takes time as well but might be quicker to pick up from other sports like basketball. Once a threshold of skills is reached it seems to be all about the athlete. I think the difficult skills, especially stick skills, keeps someone just picking it up in high school to have much of any chance of playing in college, except ridiculous athletes. Around 8th grade you start to see earlier stick savvy players but lower in athleticism start to fade as more athletic girls catch up to stick handling to a certain threshold. Obviously you can always get better at skills but girls lacrosse seems to hide athletes until a threshold is passed more so than most sports.