Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
At least your daughters dont feel like quitting - or do they?
Mine cant be the only one... I dont see why not - playing since 5, club team full of private school girl drama, club team centered around a few girls who never panned out athletically (is this a thing?), friends play on different teams, team kinda stinks, went from a to b without letting girls or parents know, no real direction from club director, players moms who know every player on other teams by name is kinda scary. Do these girls who are in their second yr of college - have they ever felt this way???

Lots of girls feel this way. Those on top teams feel like they have to stick it out to make their parents happy. Those at lower tier give it up easier for sure. Number 1 reason kids at all levels quit is when the team drama is more an issue than learning abs having fun with their friends.

To her credit, I was already sick of the lacrosse drama in 2nd grade, but loved to play. So she decided to become the goalie and has never looked back.