YJ not a mafioso group ??? If you decide not to train with YJ it is fine.. staus quo....BUT if you train with another outside trainer that is another story!!!!! There is a trail of tears of kids who train with people that don't meet the approval of YJ. The 2022 coach charges exorbitant hourly's to train kids and if you think that kids don't get pushed aside for the betterment of the paying kids then you are a complete imbecile.. Its happening right this second. Before they fill the desires of the non paying kid, they will fill the desire of the paying kid first, God forbid the kids play the same position and like the same school. In that case the paying customer will get the nod and the non paying customer will be convinced to look at a different school... Classic switcheroo.. YJ 101 …. Pay to paly and pay to reserve your line at the front and keep other non paying interested parties away...