Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Thank you for your ignorance, obviously your not a first responder or someone that understands what the virus is doing in hotter temperature countries right now.

Don't be so quick to accuse others of ignorance. The issue is whether there is a serious risk of transmission during outdoor activities. The best evidence to date suggests there is not. That is a separate question from whether some "hot" countries are seeing virus spread. Those countries are seeing the spread in densely populated locations where it is being spread indoors and on mass transit. Getting kids (and parents) outside this Summer will be the best thing for us all. To the extent there is some exposure, it will be at a much lower viral load, which is associated with mild/asymptomatic cases. It will also counter Vitamin D deficiency which appears to be a significant risk factor for severe cases.


Thank you for your detailed response.

Although the "hotter temperature countries" comment was packed with facts and knowledge!!