Originally Posted by Anonymous
BW and VLC are far less than Madlax. Not even close. And the recruiting success of all 3 is comparable.

OK sir please put a number down on paper for each club. Then say what you get for that money you spent. Number of practices and number of tournaments?
I would agree the number is less for these two clubs but what do you get for the money? What is the cost of one tournemant? My guess $250 to $400 so if one club plays in 4 and one club plays in 3 you have to agree you should be paying at least $300 more for the club that plays 4. How much $ value do you put on a practice. I would guess $30. So if one club has 10 more practices that club should cost $300 more correct? So my over reaching point is yes the total number is higher with Madlax but after you add these two factors into the math they are a on par with the others. And my other point if you are counting pennies and you want your son to play top level travel lacrosse you are in the wrong place. Sorry.