I dont have a kid in this grade/team, Dont know Pat, but be real it is not about having "FUN".

I wish people would call a spade a spade!

You can preach "fun" all you want and it should be a "part" of the equation but lets not lose sight of what/why parents spread $$ and put their sons on these teams; it is about making them better lacrosse players, learning (more than they currently know) and realizing the only way to do that is by playing the best competition you can. It is about putting a kid on a team so he can get better.

At 12 "Fun" is a "Bonus" that a good coach can bring to his stable of drills and techniques. Glad you say the coach does that, but I am not paying $$ for FUN!

Now, many comments have been made about those that have played HS or College. For those of us that did play in HS or College (whatever sport whatever level) why is it so wrong to push a child (8-12) to always play their best (whatever that ability level is). That is what is wrong with society. and really, do we need to say great job (good game) when they did a horrible job and the "bounces" just went their way for a postive outcome.


We should be honest, and say just because "xyz" resulted in a goal or a win, the right thing to do would be to do "abc". Hold the boys accountable for what they do or dont do. Let them know on certain teams perfection is expected, because that is what is taught.

We dont push our kids hard enough to be the best they can be. I used to love that slogan the Army had.

The same in school:
Why do you put a child in an advanced placement class, not to have fun but to learn. To learn at the ability that they can (OR THE PARENT THINKS THEY CAN).

bottom line - I Cant wait for what this grade has ahead of them when the current 2022 is in 7th grade and taking your sons spot on Varisty because their parent pushed them to be the best they could.