Originally Posted by Anonymous
Presure is good and the only ones that care about it for more then a hour or two is the parents. 14 and 15 year old boys care about this stuff when they are there but the sec. they get to there phone or home they are back to calling girls and playing video games. Us parents are the ones up at night thinking about it. They are fine. Kids quit when they are not the best anymore not when they have presure on them.

Comment leads me to wonder if you have a 14-15 year old lacrosse player. These kids are absorbed into the lacrosse social media tsunami 24/7. Checking twitter accounts and blogs for who is committed, etc. I've hated this recruiting insanity for my oldest and now his middle school younger brother is starting it earlier and worse than his older brother and his mates. Quite honestly I now wish they chose another sport or activity. Other sports aren't like this.