What are the proposed rule changes attempting to correct in this great game? Is it the dominance of FO specialists? If so, many commentators have pointed out dominance has been a long standing issue and this change will do nothing. Is it to increase scoring? Do not see how grinding it out at X will help in that regard. A good pinch and pop player will generate more scoring opportunities. Is it because Syracuse can't win a National Championship with all that talent because they get crushed on faceoffs? It seems unclear why the change is needed.

One thing where there seems to be a consensus is that people do no like the FOGO. If FOGO is the issue, then any rule change should reflect the idea that a player taking faceoffs should need to stay on the field. They can't just win the draw and go to "yellow" so a real player can get on. They should stay on the filed until a shot on goal or change of possession, or at least some minimum period of time.

Also, while carrying the ball in the back of ones stick is certainly no advantage, any rule change could be narrower to allow for the pinch and pop and then putting the ball in the front of the stick within a set period of time (2-3 sec.) or before the ball enters the box. Anything to add Jackwagon?