Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Lacrosse faced off the same way for decades... It's only a problem now because a small percent of kids decided to work their [lacrosse] off to improve.

Competition committee just reaffirmed why Lacrosse will never be viewed as more than the third world nation of sports to mainstream USA ...

....OH, And please don't for a second site Goddell and NFL comp committee changes... Goddell is only dreaming of ways exploit fans and players to protect their billion dollar Empire

That is not entirely true. Part of the outcry against FOGOs is the face off has changed a lot with the equipment changes and improvements. You could not do with a wooden head or an early 1980s plastic head what FOGOs can do today. FOGOs carrying the ball and making passes from back of the stick in the box is not something we were seeing decades or even a few years ago. The rules makers want to restrain that. For FOGOs to not get blasted by this rule, propose a middle ground. That has to include severely limits on carrying the ball backwards, so propose what you can live with I suggest.

Again someone who has NO idea what they're talking about! First of all, wooden head, really??? Second, if this new equipment is to blame then why is the most sought after head for faceoffs, the OG Blade, discontinued about a decade ago? (goes for about 500$ on ebay) Carrying the ball in the back after the win is a burden, no player wants that ball back there any longer than it needs to be. Forcing a earlier pop out is a great suggestion, because it still allows for a clean win, yet makes it harder for the F/O man to hold on if he is not a skilled player.