Originally Posted by Anonymous
I just read through this chain and realized there are maybe two or three posters on the negative side. The use of language and writing styles are consistent over and over.

The person that responds to jackwagon (I guess he is used to being called this and in fact seems to like it), the guy that claims that everyone that likes F/O is whining and one I think is a mother claiming that making boys a FOGO was somehow a failure of parenting...really?

Same theme over and over, they are never going to listen to you or me or anyone. They are the small people no one likes and everyone thinks is insane. Don't bother responding to them and they will get bored and go away. Remember, this type of controversy in an anonymous forum is all that they have to look forward to. They enjoy seeing people upset, hurt or in pain. they thrive on it for some reason, let them have at it...

Thank you for that, I can think of at least 10 people who fit that description, and I won't say anything else about them to stay classy, but we all can probably say the same! F/O guys stay strong and united, we will get through this!