Nice try, Madlax dad. Nobody is hating on any kid who left any club. The only bizarre ones are the Madlax and 3D parents (to be fair, it's only 1-2) who insist that VLC is falling apart when that's a complete lie. Notice they don't talk about the starters who've left Madlax for other clubs, the kids who tried 3D and said no thanks, etc. [/quote]

I'm speculating here, but maybe posters are only discussing VLC because it's more fun to watch you VLC dad's throw virtual temper tampers, stomping your feet, and pounding your fists. Quite entertaining and very disturbing!!! The madlax parents (or any other club parent for that matter) do not react with the same level of fanaticism. And no, I'm not a madlax parent. [/quote]

Three words of advice to VLC parents: try fantasy football.