Originally Posted by CageSage
Originally Posted by Anonymous
When or is it ok to confront a HS coach who during games verbally bad mouths his players behind their backs in front of the other players? Comments are personal attacks, not your typicall in game comments.
Although not related to college recruiting, this is an interesting subject due to the perceived notion of the High School coach's role in the recruiting cycle.

Just as you would want the respect of the High School coach in all situations, it is important that the parent and student-athlete show that same courtesy.

Our strong suggestion is that a private meeting be held with the head coach to openly discuss the concerns. Come armed with written notes and very specific examples - do not let the conversation wander and be sure that emotion is left at the door. This is an opportunity to clear the air prior to a new season.

If the coach is not receptive to the discussion, arrange a chat with the athletic director and principal jointly.

Make sure the superintendent is included in all emails. Remember, the Principal, AD and Coach are all on the same team.