Originally Posted by Anonymous
First year with rebels B team and we loved all that came with it. Tons of trainings, workouts, etc. The coaches are high energy, passionate, care about the kids. From my understanding made great strides from a year ago. Few pieces to add for sure, but happy with what they have going on.
That's cool. Maybe don't bring some A team kids to B tournaments.[/quote]

No need, they are in the bottom division at Lake George this weekend. Stand by for insta highlights.[/quote]

Too funny, that’s exactly what they do.. can go 0-5 and they put on highlights of the 2 goals thru score lol. What a joke of a program[/quote]

Yes. Terrible of them to promote their players and give the kids a little something to like.[/quote]

Well we found the Rebels daddies, I bet you celebrate you kids D's on his report card because hey at least he answered a few questions right... everyone gets a trophy. It's inherently dishonest by making it appear the team is better than it is, then parents join and are like with. Showing a kid get 1 goal in a game you lost 10-1 is absurd. The difference between other teams is they actually win. And I have news for you, the top teams 91 and Express don't need social media marketing because when you win that's all the advertising the program needs.

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