Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
As noted previously 5 out of the ten top 2022 players were born after Sept 1, 2003 which is the cutoff off for the WSYL and US lacrosse and for the majority of states including NE, Maryland, NJ, PA etc. clearly these 5 are not holdbacks. The only 2004 player is a January bday so not much difference from Sept-December 2003 players. The holdbacks dominating in 7th/8th grade will be left behind in HS

Age only matters at WSYL. Graduation year matters in the majority of states where lacrosse is played. A month and a day can be from any year when a child is held back a grade(s) to play lacrosse against smaller younger kids in the same graduation year.

I think that extra year is a huge advantage in a lot of developmental ways. Not just Lacrosse. It’s elitist though, as not everyone has the chance to have their kid “held back”. Public schools do not hold kids back even if they need to be held back for academics. (Really, the real reason too). So, again the people who can afford private schools take advantage of it.

I was told some states start the kids later for Kindergarten? Like MD at 5 to 6 years old? Or cut off for age is older? Is that true? Could explain some size differences in the grades?