Hoco 8-4 vs MndRed
Hoco 9-6 vs MndRed
Hoco 6-5 vs SW blue
Hoco 6-4 vs Md united
Hoco 7-6 vs Nems

6-6 vs Spalina tie
2 wins over NXT black***


9-8 over monster
8-8 NEMS

M&D red
9-5 All American Aim best win

So the key is to schedule some cupcake games where you run up goals to boost your end of year rankings. I do not think MnD red played the higher ranked teams closer that led to their higher ranking than Hoco. It was the run of +10 goal Dif vs Check hers pride Baltimore , FCA , Renegades, Virginia one etc that got them a high ranking.