One of my very first practices in college I cut across the crease twice and scored our head coach (inducted in the hall of fame twice ) went ballistic on the crease defenseman for allowing me to cut through unscathed. He started screaming at the defenseman that if ever an offensive player entered the crease someone better break the cutters arms. To make his point he grabbed the defenders long pole and started beating the defenders arms screaming “break his arms”. He didn’t stop until blood was visible.
Needless to say I never cut across the crease again without looking for a long the long pole.

Break his arms is a common term in lacrosse. So if your kid is a defender teach him how to “break arms”, “chop their legs off”, “ear hole him’, “take his head off”, “break some ankles”, “ send him home in a body bag” etc etc.
There is another Hall of Fame Coach that use to ask his defenders as they came to the penalty box “ did you bring me a piece of the guy” or did you “draw blood”, if the defender said yes coach would say good job and do it again when you get back in.
To the guy who said he’d been coaching for forty years and says he never heard “ break his arms” on what planet and what sport did you coach?