Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Can we all agree that this has gotten a bit out of hand? I mean come on, let’s keep things in perspective, we are talking about 10, 11, 12 year old KIDS.

Can we all agree that we are all doing the best we can, and what is right for one family and child might not be right for someone else? We all have the common goal to do what we think is best for our own child.

You don’t like Cabell? Great! Don’t play for him.
You think MadLax is too expensive? Great! Don’t play for them.
You think the 2028 MadLax team is going to “fall apart’? Why do you care!? Not to mention you could say that about any team in any age bracket. Again, we are all doing what we think is best for our child at that time. Maybe some MadLax families will move on, maybe they won’t. Maybe kids from other teams will join MadLax (oh! the horror).. guess what?! It is that families choice.

We all have choices, make the best one for your child and your family, but judging another family for a decision that they feel is best just makes you look catty and jealous.

The MadLax boys (just like I am sure every other team) work hard, they are focused and they have fun. No one is making anyone play for a team or coach that they don’t like. The MadLax boys are playing for MadLax because they WANT to play for MadLax/Cabell. I have seen other coaches (for instance, FCA) act incredibly obnoxious and let’s not even start on the Hawks dad, the True dad, the True mom that are yelling so aggressively that their own team parents move away from them. You think your team is so great, look in the mirror.

12 year old 5th graders, gotta love it!

I’m sure he will claim that “everybody does it”. smile