Yes you are correct. You absolutely hit the nail right on the head. SWR has been hyped up and the boys were very excited to be winning the game at that point as well as the parents. SWR has many stellar players on the team. West Islip has a lot of respect for them. I’m not the type that gets real loud etc. but under those circumstances I can understand it. As long as there is no cursing or insulting etc. there shouldn’t be any problem. Things definitely get exciting. The funny part part about all of it was West Islip spectators were on the opposite side of the field from the home spectators. So there was no potential conflict there but they asked visiting spectators to move out of the area anyway closer to home spectators. So definitely had nothing to do with any issues between fans etc. As a matter of fact most of the West Islip spectators stayed away from the home stands just to avoid any potential conflict and watched the game standing.