And that kid was paul Rabil. He didnt even try to hide it with the full beard and 99.
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Okay Nats parents, here is a chance to clear your name. One boy played for 3D, and then for Nationals, in the same bracket on the same day. It's on game film and nobody from Nats denied it. So which team was he rostered on? If he was rostered on Nats but played for the other team without telling his coaches, then it's difficult to blame the Nats for that. Go ahead and explain the facts. But if you keep misdirecting and name-calling ("hit the wall," "stop crying," "everybody else does it," "you don't know what your taking about") it makes people think that you broke the rules deliberately and have no explanation.

Are you still mad about ML being caught cheating at Hershey and Hoco? Too late to do anything now on an anonymous forum from a tournament where the rule is omitted so ML could try again but possibly had it used against them.