"Sports, like in life, will see the cream rise. If your son or his team cannot hang against a team that has two or three kids 6 or 9 months older them him please accept the fact that your son or his team just are not as good as the other team. Constant blaming, crying or calling foul only demeans your son, his team and you. As the slogan goes - “Nobody cares, work harder!”

Congratulations! the above poster wins the award for toughest BOC dad and densest. Organized youth sports-play your own age. HS, College, post college, after all the kids have developed and matured great, whatever, there will be holdbacks, leftbacks, re-classed, pg, 5th year, grad students, no problem. Again, THERE IS NO LOGICAL ARGUMENT AGAINST FOR YOUTH SPORTS BEING AGED BASED.