10k, common. It’s a lot, but not that much. Maybe 5k. I agree with your post. Truth is and I don’t care what anyone says. This a huge money grab. Most of this club lacrosse is. Even that UMass warrior thing we get emails for. Huge money grab as well. I heard every kid that tries out makes the team. How can something be a tryout, if everyone makes it. They should call it an expensive practice. Parents should know before the season starts that their sons team is trying to qualify in April for Denver. This isn’t a surprise. Now April is rolling around soon and people are starting to shake and get alligator arms reaching for their checkbook. I understand, it’s a lot of money, but we knew this going in. So now the choice is simple. If your sons team qualifies, you find away to pay it, like myself.(I’m not rich). Second choice is, your sons team qualifies, you tell your son, he can’t go with his team. If he is a good player this hurts the team. Plus I’m sure this hurt your son as well. Obviously if the team doesn’t qualify, no choice needed. This is how it is. This is what sports today has become. This isn’t for cheap people. This isn’t for poor people. This is very, very expensive. We all had the option before the season to not do this.