Originally Posted by Anonymous
Who beat Mass Elite this summer?

The best measure of a high quality club team is a showcase where everyone plays equally. The top 2-3 teams show little to no drop off when they sub and their players are largely interchangeable. I would question my child’s place on the team is she was part of the group that caused the team to lose in a showcase format. Do the top teams even have girls that don’t play or play sparingly?

What a notIntelligent statement. Of course the top teams have girls that don't play or play sparingly in championship tournaments. You really think YJ, M&D and SW are playing everyone in those games? All these teams have tiers of girls. Showcases every girl plays at least half of each game. In championship tournaments the coaches try to even things out over the weekend and the girls at the bottom of the roster will start and play a lot in the games against weaker teams while the better players sit.