--- "Are you all proud of yourselves, the original topic was what lower ranked schools would want Halfpenny or O'leary coach for them, but of course it has, once again deteriorated into "my daughters school is better than yours" by a bunch of parents that never played the game themselves. I agree that many woman leave those schools listed well rounded and become very successful, but the implication that a woman that has attended William and Mary, or yes, even Old Dominion, will not achieve the same level of success is idiotic. College success, like any endeavor, has a direct linkage to how much effort you put into it. Just like your boast of excelled success by woman that attend you precious list of highly over rated and grossly overpriced institution of higher learning, I am sure there are as many tales of less lofty success. Just as I am sure there are many tales of both from schools you shun. In short ,stop being so snobby. "


No, The argument / debate or whatever you want to call it is always started by a hateful, jealous, bitter parent who wants to tear down all players, parents, schools, and programs that are "considered" elite / better / stronger or whatever.