Almost everything said in this post is factually incorrect or a false assumption/inference so well done with that. The most amusing thing is that a LI parent would have the temerity to call out parents from another team. LI parents are by far the worst lacrosse parents around, one day at a lacrosse tournament where LI teams are involved is all anyone needs to see that. A simple read through the LI Board is also a good proxy for this. If it comes down to parents of kids with a summer birthday who choose to "hold them back" before going into K (by the way plenty of studies show this is beneficial for the kids on many levels) vs. parents who psychotically (and cowardly) scream "see you in Denver" at 13 yo kids who are a couple of feet away walking back to their tent, I personally will take the "holdback" parents every day.

Great response, Madlax parent.

You didn't have a single rational rebuttal against any of the hold back accusations (because there OBVIOUSLY aren't any), except to once again claim "summer birthdays".

It's very interesting that once all of the cheater teams have been factually outed, and the lies come to an end, the holdback dads all (OK, it's all actually just one one Madlax guy) claim that every holdback on their team (i.e. every kid on their team) mysteriously has a "summer birthday", of which most are the end of August, which strangely enough coincides almost to the day with the WSYL 9/1 cutoff date, which is the event/date that actually outed all of the cheater teams.

Now, they all just missed that deadline and entire teams strangely have 8/31/05 birthdays. Wow, amazing how 30 kids on about 10 teams have birthdays on 8/31/05!! Obviously, more lies from the cheater holdback parents, but I must say, very much anticipated as well as amusing!!