Originally Posted by Anonymous
how did the teams look in the legacy tournament yesterday

Express was a new team put together. Looks like they all moved from another team based on all the matching helmets. They played well, very aggressive. Very good middies, huge falloff when first come off.

91 always a good product, the most organized and beatable when everyone else catches up. They have been together long time so offense clicked early.

LI rebels is a new team. Some good players and will give you a good game early before ruining out of steam. Excellent goalie.

Outlaws were worst team there. They have a lot of work to do. Didn’t look strong at any position.

Rebels were old outlaws. Looked much of the same. Not really any offensive threats. Looked sloppy for a team that has been together under another name.

Legacy was strong until they played a real team and then got manhandled. Looks like they are still rebuilding. Had a big attack, but can’t get them the ball.