Well, after reading the comments on this thread I will say there are some very good points being made. My son is on a travel team. I would say a low level "B" team and I am happy. Nice kids, great parents. I actually would rather spend more time with them then my town team. My son, I would say is going to take time to develop. What I mean by that is there are some kids I see on the town team that are very, very good. My son lacks the maturity right now to say I need to keep up. He loves the game so I am not going to just wait for PAL every spring. I see improvement every year which is all i can honestly ask for. I don't think my son would get much out of joining the big three. He is 9 years old. Having played travel sports my whole life I saw good kids at a young age just quit as they got older. They wanted to spend time with there friends, interested in girls, other sports. So i am not worried he isn't exactly the superstar at his age level. Nobody remembers the goals you scored when you are 9.

My comment is more for advise about Box Lacrosse. Does anyone play it? Does anyone have recommendations? My son really wants to play and I think its a great idea. It will make his stick skills better and help his quickness improve. I am just wondering where to go? I know IGLOO has there own program and I think team 91 does as well. I have seen advertisements on BOTC for one program and i know of another program but that is it. Any assistance would be great.