You are hung up on advantage, it's talent.! My kid is within 6 months of 90% of kids out there. So why they hang up , you just whine, whine, whine about advantage which has nothing to do with age but all about talent.

It would be like me coming on here and saying all you sept, Oct birthday's should have to start early because of some stupid rule all your kids are 10 months older than my kid.

You feel it's ok to attack people who did prek 10 years ago and think that everyone motive was youth lacrosse? Who cares no advantage . It will never be perfect but you seem to think like a kid and say 8 months or a year makes a difference. Not for most kids, if your kid is 5ft tall and on age he is going to have trouble in basketball right? Even if the kid he is playing is 14 months younger but 5'9 and athletic.

Wait but i see plenty of on age kids in basketball excel while being the smallest kid by far... oh wait.. they have talent. So please spare me the advantage.

You want to call out double hold backs of parents who kid repeats 8th to gain advantage at high school level well a little different then but still why complain on here not changing anything.