Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
If you aren't getting your kid involved with the dukes national team you are doing him a disservice. It is hands down the best coaching environment and you can not replicate the experience with the ballers on the field.

This is a ridiculous shameful plug by Dukes Nationals Management. Save your money, time and aggravation by not listening to this or joining Duke's Nationals train wreck. The program has steadily been going down hill since they changed coaches and are constantly emailing and texting about payments that should be paid for ridiculous reasons 2018-2019 min camps already and discount on 2018 spring/summer tournaments if you pay early, how and why would we pay early if we do not know where our sons are on the depth chart, I forgot there has not been a depth chart since November!!!!!!!

Caveat emptor. Thank you for this perspective. I hate that term ballers. I feel like everyone who uses it is a, well, you know. Thanks again.