Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Please note that there are no Blast parents on here shooting their mouths off about anything. Just let the kids play. Maybe you guys should take a lesson in class from them. Just saying.......

Thank you for confirming that there are.you are an idiot.blast/ mixed nuts = disasters

You say disasters, I would suggest Surpreme Masters! Stop being so bitter and jealous and acknowledge the Excellence!

Geese and Express both at Columbus Day invitational. Email the team and "come get some" so we can witness this excellence like we have never seen. We will call ESPN as well so all can see this self proclaimed mastery. That way you don't have to tweet wall ball videos on Twitter...

Glad to see that you finally get it! But we play when we decide, not you. It's all good news as long as you are watching. Just try to keep up.