What is this crap about Koopers having kids flock to it? The new "studs" are Dukes kids for the most part. The Dukes kids may not even play as "Koopers" and are playing as Dukes Nationals this spring in HOCO. The owners son is repeating 8th grade at St. Pauls this year, so it's not BS. The only 2 kids that were actually born on or after 9/1/2003 are a certain Hopkins' coaches boys. The rest of the kids that "played up" on Koopers 21 were older. I don't understand why parents think other parents don't know who the older kids are. They go to school together and know each other. I personally don't care about holdbacks, My son competes just fine. But I don't understand why you have to lie about it. It is what it is and it's within the rules currently.