Originally Posted by Anonymous
I noticed you already posted the picture of your cheating team on your web page as the 2026 Champions. You failed to mention 8 of your players were "not the proper age" is the wording you used? You forgot to add that to your post. I am looking forward to the Newsday and Channel 12 report on Youth Lacrosse and the win at all cost [cheating] attitudes of coaches and parents. Since Express is looking to increase their publicity with posts on championships you are going to get all the press you want now. You guys are going to be the lead story and should be proud. It is great to be a Syracuse Alumni with a bunch of friends who went to The Newhouse School of Communications and work in the local media. Thank you Express Parents and Coaches for being so dumb. '......only 8 kids were not the proper age........' you really are an idiot.

Ha Ha!!!! I'm sure you were very popular at syracuse putting that mouth to good use. I actually wish they would run a story, tryout numbers would probably go up.